

class wfcommons.wfbench.bench.WorkflowBenchmark(recipe: Type[WfChefWorkflowRecipe], num_tasks: int, logger: Logger | None = None)

Bases: object

Generate a workflow benchmark instance based on a workflow recipe (WfChefWorkflowRecipe)

  • recipe (Type[WfChefWorkflowRecipe]) – A workflow recipe.

  • num_tasks (int) – Total number of tasks in the benchmark workflow.

  • logger (Optional[Logger]) – The logger where to log information/warning or errors.

_add_input_files(output_files: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], data: int | Dict[str, str]) None

Add input files when input data was offered by the user.

  • output_files

  • data (Union[int, Dict[str, str]]) –

_add_output_files(output_files: int | Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]) None

Add output files when input data was offered by the user.




Calculate total number of files needed. This mehtod is used if the user provides total datafootprint.

_create_data_footprint(data: int | Dict[str, str] | None, save_dir: Path) None

task’s data footprint provided as individual data input size (JSON file)

_creating_lock_files(lock_files_folder: Path | None) Tuple[Path, Path]

Creating the lock files

_generate_data_for_root_nodes(save_dir: Path, data: int | Dict[str, str]) None

Generate workflow’s input data for root nodes based on user’s input.

  • save_dir (pathlib.Path) –

  • data (Dict[str, str]) –

_generate_task_cpu_params(task: Task, percent_cpu: float | Dict[str, float], cpu_work: int | Dict[str, int], lock_files_folder: Path | None, cores: Path | None, lock: Path | None) List[str]

Setting cpu arguments if cpu benchmark requested

_generate_task_gpu_params(task: Task, gpu_work: int | Dict[str, int]) List[str]

Setting gpu arguments if gpu benchmark requested

_output_files(data: Dict[str, str]) Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]

Calculate, for each task, total number of output files needed. This method is used when the user is specifying the input file sizes.


data (Dict[str, str]) –


Return type:

Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]

_rename_files_to_wfbench_format() List[File]

Rename the files in the workflow to the wfbench format.


A list of the input files that need to be generated (with their new names).

Return type:


_set_argument_parameters(task: Task, percent_cpu: float | Dict[str, float], cpu_work: int | Dict[str, int], gpu_work: int | Dict[str, int], time: int | None, mem: float | None, lock_files_folder: Path | None, cores: Path | None, lock: Path | None) None

Setting the parameters for the arguments section of the JSON

create_benchmark(save_dir: Path, percent_cpu: float | Dict[str, float] = 0.6, cpu_work: int | Dict[str, int] = None, gpu_work: int | Dict[str, int] = None, time: int | None = None, data: int | Dict[str, str] | None = None, mem: float | None = None, lock_files_folder: Path | None = None, regenerate: bool | None = True) Path

Create a workflow benchmark.

  • save_dir (pathlib.Path) – Folder to generate the workflow benchmark JSON instance and input data files.

  • percent_cpu (Union[float, Dict[str, float]]) – The percentage of CPU threads.

  • cpu_work (Union[int, Dict[str, int]]) – CPU work per workflow task.

  • gpu_work (Union[int, Dict[str, int]]) – GPU work per workflow task.

  • time (Optional[int]) – Time limit for running each task (in seconds).

  • data (Optional[Union[int, Dict[str, str]]]) – Dictionary of input size files per workflow task type or total workflow data footprint (in MB).

  • mem (Optional[float]) – Maximum amount of memory consumption per task (in MB).

  • lock_files_folder (Optional[pathlib.Path]) –

  • regenerate (Optional[bool]) – Whether to regenerate the workflow tasks


The path to the workflow benchmark JSON instance.

Return type:


create_benchmark_from_input_file(save_dir: Path, input_file: Path, lock_files_folder: Path | None = None) Path

Create a workflow benchmark.

  • save_dir (pathlib.Path) – Folder to generate the workflow benchmark JSON instance and input data files.

  • input_file (pathlib.Path) –

  • lock_files_folder (Optional[pathlib.Path]) –


The path to the workflow benchmark JSON instance.

Return type:


create_benchmark_from_synthetic_workflow(save_dir: Path, workflow: Workflow, percent_cpu: float | Dict[str, float] = 0.6, cpu_work: int | Dict[str, int] = None, gpu_work: int | Dict[str, int] = None, time: int | None = None, mem: float | None = None, lock_files_folder: Path | None = None) Path

Create a workflow benchmark from a synthetic workflow

  • save_dir (pathlib.Path) – Folder to generate the workflow benchmark JSON instance and input data files.

  • workflow (Workflow) – The (synthetic) workflow to use as a benchmark.

  • percent_cpu (Union[float, Dict[str, float]]) – The maximum percentage of CPU threads.

  • cpu_work (Union[int, Dict[str, int]]) – Maximum CPU work per workflow task.

  • gpu_work (Union[int, Dict[str, int]]) – Maximum GPU work per workflow task.

  • time (Optional[int]) – Time limit for running each task (in seconds).

  • mem (Optional[float]) – Maximum amount of memory consumption per task (in MB).

  • lock_files_folder (Optional[pathlib.Path]) –


The path to the workflow benchmark JSON instance.

Return type:


generate_input_file(path: Path) None

Generates input file where customization of cpu percentage, cpu work, gpu work, data size


path (pathlib.Path) –

run(json_path: Path, save_dir: Path) None

Run the benchmark workflow locally (for test purposes only).


json_path (pathlib.Path) –



wfcommons.wfbench.bench.assigning_correct_files(task: Dict[str, str]) List[str]
wfcommons.wfbench.bench.cleanup_sys_files() None

Remove files already used

wfcommons.wfbench.bench.generate_sys_data(num_files: int, file_total_size: int, task_name: List[str], save_dir: Path) None

Generate workflow’s input data

  • num_files (int) –

  • file_total_size (int) –

  • save_dir (pathlib.Path) – Folder to generate the workflow benchmark’s input data files.


class wfcommons.wfbench.translator.nextflow.NextflowTranslator(workflow: Workflow | Path, logger: Logger | None = None)

Bases: Translator

A WfFormat parser for creating Nextflow workflow applications.

  • workflow (Union[Workflow, pathlib.Path],) – Workflow benchmark object or path to the workflow benchmark JSON instance.

  • logger (Logger) – The logger where to log information/warning or errors (optional).

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_add_abstract_task_definition(abstract_task_name: str, physical_tasks: List[Task]) None

Add an abstract task to the workflow considering it’s physical tasks.

: param abstract_task_name: the name of the abstract task : type abstract_task_name: str : param physical_tasks: a list of physical tasks for this abstract tasks : type physical_tasks: List[Task]

_add_call_to_abstract_task(abstract_task_name: str, physical_tasks: List[Task]) None
_create_file_task_mappings(output_file_path: Path) None
_create_task_args_map(output_file_path: Path, abstract_task_name: str, physical_tasks: List[Task]) None
_determine_abstract_relations() None

Determines the abstract tasks that will be used for the nextflow definition of the workflow.

_determine_input_output() None

Determines the inputs and outputs for the physical and abstract tasks.

_is_resource_arg(arg: str) bool
_write_map_file(map_dict: Dict, map_name: str, output_file_path: Path) None
translate(output_file_path: Path) None

Translate a workflow benchmark description(WfFormat) into a Nextflow workflow application.

: param output_file_path: The name of the output file(e.g., : type output_file_path: pathlib.Path

valid_task_name(original_task_name: str) str
wfcommons.wfbench.translator.nextflow.human_readable_memory(mem_bytes: int) str


class wfcommons.wfbench.translator.pegasus.PegasusTranslator(workflow: Workflow | Path, logger: Logger | None = None)

Bases: Translator

A WfFormat parser for creating Pegasus workflow applications.

  • workflow (Union[Workflow, pathlib.Path],) – Workflow benchmark object or path to the workflow benchmark JSON instance.

  • logger (Logger) – The logger where to log information/warning or errors (optional).

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_add_task(task_name: str, parent_task: str | None = None, tasks_priorities: Dict[str, int] | None = None) None

Add a task and its dependencies to the workflow.

  • task_name (str) – name of the task

  • parent_task (Optional[str]) – name of the parent task

  • tasks_priorities (Optional[Dict[str, int]]) – Priorities to be assigned to tasks.

translate(output_file_name: Path, tasks_priorities: Dict[str, int] | None = None) None

Translate a workflow benchmark description (WfFormat) into a Pegasus workflow application.

  • output_file_name (pathlib.Path) – The name of the output file (e.g.,

  • tasks_priorities (Optional[Dict[str, int]]) – Priorities to be assigned to tasks.


class wfcommons.wfbench.translator.swift_t.SwiftTTranslator(workflow: Workflow | Path, work_dir: Path, stress_path: Path = PosixPath('stress-ng'), logger: Logger | None = None)

Bases: Translator

A WfFormat parser for creating Swift/T workflow applications.

  • workflow (Union[Workflow, pathlib.Path]) – Workflow benchmark object or path to the workflow benchmark JSON instance.

  • work_dir (pathlib.Path) – Path to the workflow working directory.

  • stress_path (pathlib.Path) – Path to the stress-ng command.

  • logger (Logger) – The logger where to log information/warning or errors (optional).

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_add_tasks(category: str) None

Add all tasks for a specific category.


category (str) – category name

_find_categories_list(task_name: str, parent_task: str | None = None) None

” Find list of task categories ordered by task dependencies.

  • task_name (str) – name of the task

  • parent_task (Optional[str]) – name of the parent task

translate(output_file_path: Path) None

Translate a workflow benchmark description (WfFormat) into a Swift/T workflow application.


output_file_path (pathlib.Path) – The path of the output file (e.g., workflow.swift).